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Safeguarding your child's windows to the world

Eyescreen™ Registration

EyescreenTM Eligibility
The child
  • should be aged between 6 months to 6 years.
  • not administered with any eye treatment or prescribed with glasses.
  • has not been detected with any eye condition.

For First Child

Has your child been administered with any eye treatment or been prescribed with glasses?

Child's Information

Has your child used our Eyescreen service before?
*We will require the last 3-digits+alphabet of your child's Birth Certificate No. for verification
(Example - 000A)

Child's Medical History

Was your child born full term?
Was there any childbirth complication?
Has your child been diagnosed of any medical condition?
Has your child visited an eye/vision screening provider before?
If yes, please state
When was your child last eye/vision screening?
What was your child's screening result from the last eye/vision screening?
Has your child been suspected of having any eye condition?
Is there a family history of any eye condition?

For Second Child

Has your child been administered with any eye treatment or been prescribed with glasses?

Child's Information

Has your child used our Eyescreen service before?
*We will require the last 3-digits+alphabet of your child's Birth Certificate No. for verification
(Example - 000A)

Child's Medical History

Was your child born full term?
Was there any childbirth complication?
Has your child been diagnosed of any medical condition?
Has your child visited an eye/vision screening provider before?
If yes, please state
When was your child last eye/vision screening?
What was your child's screening result from the last eye/vision screening?
Has your child been suspected of having any eye condition?
Is there a family history of any eye condition?

Parent’s/ Guardian’s information

Are you a Cordlife client?
*We will require your Date of birth, contact, and Email for verification
Where did you hear about Eyescreen™?
Why did you enrol for Eyescreen™?