FAQ on Eyescreen
About Eyescreen™
What is Eyescreen™?
It is a comprehensive, non-invasive and painless screening test targeted at children aged between 6 months to 6 years old, to detect potential visual impairment in the child.
Why should I check my child’s vision under age of 6?
A newborn’s vision system is not fully formed. During infancy, equal input from both eyes is necessary for the brain’s vision centres to develop normally. If a young child’s eyes cannot send clear images to the brain due to a focusing problem, his or her vision may become limited in ways that cannot be corrected later in life. However, if such vision problem is detected early, effective treatment is usually possible.
Good vision is key to a child’s physical development, success in school and overall well-being1.
Click here to register Eyescreen™ for your child.
At what age should my child have his/her vision screened?
The first vision screening for your child should be done between six months to one year old, and annually thereafter, even if no vision problem is detected.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) recommend vision screening done at newborn, during infancy (between six months to one year old), pre-school and school years.
For young children, AAPOS suggests performing photoscreening as it does not require their cooperation or ability to read or speak. Photoscreening is also endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which allows for earlier detection of conditions that may lead to amblyopia (“lazy eye”)2.
If a vision problem is suspected in the initial screening, the child should go for a comprehensive exam by a paediatric ophthalmologist. The earlier an eye problem is detected, the earlier the appropriate treatment could be recommended for your child to ensure successful vision correction and life-long benefits.
What kind of eye problems can be detected through Eyescreen™?
Common eye problems (including (but not limited to) Hyperopia (Far sighted), Myopia (Near sighted), Amblyopia (“Lazy eye”), Astigmatism, Strabismus (Crossed or misaligned eyes) can be detected through Eyescreen™ on an infant as young as 6 months old. Parents would not be able to pick up these vision problems simply by observing the child.
The earlier an eye problem is detected, the earlier the appropriate treatment could be recommended for your child. For instance, treatment effectiveness for Amblyopia declines after 5 years of age3. Register your child for Eyescreen™ today.
How is Eyescreen™ performed?
The optometrist will take a picture of your child's eyes with an automated “Camera”. This device uses photoscreening technology, which can capture your child’s vision condition through a safe and low level infrared light. Infrared light is completely innocuous and contained in sunlight as well as all incandescent lights (e.g. light bulbs, halogen spots, etc.).In addition to the “Picture” taking, the optometrist will run further tests that are age-appropriate for your child to evaluate the health and development of your child’s vision system.
Unlike conventional visual testing, which can only be performed in an older and cooperative child, Eyescreen™ requires no physical contact with the child and a picture of your child’s eyes can be taken swiftly.
Who performs the vision screening?
Our paediatric optometrist, who is registered under the optometrists and opticians board in Singapore, will perform vision screening to children ranging from as young as 6 months to 6 years old.
What is the difference between vision screenings conducted by an optometrist and ophthalmologist (also known as an eye doctor)?
Eyescreen™ is a non-invasive examination that does not require dilating eye drops before the screening is carried out. Dilating eye drops is a medication to enlarge or dilate the pupil of the eye and can cause adverse reactions in some patients.
A comprehensive eye examination with dilating eye drops may be recommended by the paediatric ophthalmologist if your child is detected with eye problems.
Will my child resist Eyescreen™?
As the screening process is painless and requires no physical contact with your child, it is unlikely that your child would resist. Our paediatric optometrist will use different eye examination that are age-appropriate for your child.
When will I receive the Eyescreen™ report?
The Eyescreen™ result will be made available to you immediately right after the screening.
What should I do if my child is detected with eye problems?
We will refer your child to a paediatric ophthalmologist if your child is detected with eye problems. A comprehensive eye examination and/or treatment may be recommended.
My child is unable to read letters. Can I still sign up Eyescreen™ for my child?
Unlike conventional eye examination, Eyescreen™ can be accomplished to the children as young as 6 months to 6 years old, or even to non-verbal children. Our paediatric optometrist would simply take a picture of your child’s eyes with the photoscreening device, which takes less than 5 seconds. Our paediatric optometrist uses different instruments that are age-appropriate for your child during the eye exams. For this reason, our optometrist can perform eye exams on children of any age, even if they do not know their letters or how to read.
My child is wearing spectacles now. Can I still register my child for Eyescreen™?
We regret to inform you that children who are already wearing spectacles will not be eligible for Eyescreen™
Can I still sign up for Eyescreen™ if my child has seen an ophthalmologist before and has been administered treatment?
We regret to inform you that children who have previously seen an ophthalmologist and received treatment are not eligible for Eyescreen™.
My child is turning 7 years old next month. Can I still register my child for Eyescreen™?
Eyescreen™ is meant for children aged between 6 months to 6 years old only. Children above 6 years old will not be eligible for Eyescreen™
Why can’t I choose the date or time in the registration page?
The date and time of appointment is on a first-come-first-served basis. We encourage you to select an alternate date or time if the preferred date or time is not available in the registration page. We will also post new available appointment slots periodically, so please kindly check our registration page for appointment details.
Click here to check out the Eyescreen™ slots availability
Can I make a new appointment again if I miss the current appointment?
Slots booking are on a first-come-first-served basis. While we recognise that you may require changing your schedule due to unforeseen circumstances, you can only change it once and it is subject to slots availability.
Where can I bring my child for Eyescreen™?
Eyescreen™ is only available on designated dates of every month. It is first-come-first served basis and strictly by appointment only. The Eyescreen™ is conducted at the Cordlife Showroom #01-06 (Opposite Guardian Store), Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital.
What are the payment modes available?
Payment must be made upon registration online, via Debit or Credit Card (Visa & Master only) . Click here to register Eyescreen™ for your child.
What documents do I need to bring along on the date of appointment?
Please bring along your child’s birth certificate (if your child is not accompanied by the parent) and a copy of the confirmation email from Cordlife on the date of appointment.
Why haven’t I received a confirmation email?
A confirmation email will only be sent upon successful registration and payment. Please check your spam/junk folder should you be unable to locate this within your inbox.
Why is the price in my Eyescreen™ registration page incorrect?
Please email eyescreen@cordlifetech.com us should this occur during your registration process.
1) Eye Screening for Children. Retrieved 17 Sep 2015 from http://www.geteyesmart.org/eyesmart/living/babies-children-teenagers-eye-health/children-eye-screening.cfm.
2) Pediatrics Vol. 130 No. 5 November 1, 2012 pp. 983 -986. Retrieved 17 Sep 2015 from http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/130/5/983.full.html.
3) AAPOS. Pediatric Vision Screening: Guidelines for Primary Care Providers and School Nurses. Retrieved 17 Sep 2015 from http://www.aapos.org/client_data/files/2015/1236_pediatricvisionscreeningaaposrevised5_28_15.pptx